Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tears on Tuesday ***EDITTED***

I couldn't help the title. Taylor's first day of Kindergarten was today and neither of us cried, that the other one saw. I hope she does okay and isn't too scared. My stomach will be in knots until I get a call from her when she gets home.

I just wanted to share some of the pictures we took. I know time is going to really fly now so I plan on taking even more pictures than I did before.

She loves her sister and wasn't sure she wanted to leave her. Callee will start preschool on Sept. 8.Almost ready, she's getting there.Okay, enough waiting and picture taking, where is that stinking bus?She looks way too small to be getting on that big ole bus!

If you look to the right of the emergency exit window you may see my baby's head trying to see us and wave good bye.

5 1/2 years have gone way too fast. I don't know what I'll do when she goes all day next year. I can't wait to see what this year holds for her and can't wait to watch her learn more, mature and really become her own person even more. I'm sure all of this will lead to more head butting between us, but what an awesome experience it will be. I don't know if I'm ready for all of this so please bear with the tearful posts that I am sure will come from this huge step in our lives.

Others have gone before us and made it, that's what I have to keep telling myself.


Taylor just called and had a blast her first day. She got a green light and was proud of it. She liked her teacher and the other kids. The greatest conversation to have with a painfully shy child, Tay: "Mom, do you know how many kids I met that want to be MY friend?" Me: "How many?" Tay: "5!!!! That's a lot mom!"

All in all it seems to have been a good day. She is excited to go back tomorrow. I hope this excitement keeps up throughout not only this year, but until she graduates (I know wishful thinking.) I feel a lot better now and am so excited that she met friends her first day. Like I said before she is painfully shy around new kids and it breaks my heart to watch. She is also an overachiever and if she hadn't met anyone today the conversation would've been much different. Something along the lines of, "Noone wants to be my friend, I'm not going back!" Glad that wasn't the reaction I got.


Jennie said...

This post actually made me teary and caught my breath. I can so relate. My oldest, Devin, starts kindergarten on Monday and I am beyond terrified. I work in a childcare center, so the kids have always been with me. This will be the first time that they are with people that I don't know and trust.

Glad Taylor had a great first day and I hope it continues to go well!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I know it is so hard to let them go, but I know how fast they do go. Enjoy them now.

Cheffie-Mom said...

Awwwwww!! I'm so glad Taylor had such a good first day!!

Andrea said...

That's so great that she made some new friends!! And I'm so gald she enjoyed her first day of school. :)