Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How nice & thoughtful

Stuff could always be worse (no I do not know her name) passed on this nice award to me....

Isn't she sweet? I thought so. Anyways, she lives with and writes about MS. She is interesting in her writings and puts a little funny spin to it. One minute you are feeling bad for her and the next you are chuckling through the next paragraph. I do not get over there often enough (I haven't had much time lately to read, write, even breathe!), but you all should go visit.

So the rules are to pass this along to 15 new blogs. Well, I haven't added many new blogs to my list lately so I don't think I can do that. I am also only giving it away to 10 people (the running out of time thing again!)

Without further ado, these people need to e-mail me so I can send them the picture (you can't right click & save on my page.):

Shana - here is something for you to blog without a long hiatus again...I know, I know, you're busy!

Debbie - She cracks me up! Go visit her.

KC - She's REALLY busy. Stop by to read & she'll make your head spin

Kristie - Raising two very cute little boys! She is very honest in her writing...I love that.

Janice - Who couldn't like someone that has a daughter named Taylor? And she runs marathons...more power to her.

Holly - Great illustrations & story telling, totally worth your time.

Andrea - Love the stories she shares, as well as, the pictures. Her subjects are pretty cute though.

Angela - Go tell her congratulations, she just had her second baby (a little girl.) If you go be quiet so she can get her rest.

Stephanie - Baby 3 is on the way & her & I may have been sisters at one time. I love her.

Elizabeth - Funny, honest, crazy funny stories (most of the time.) Doesn't blog often enough in my opinion!

There you go ladies, go send them to your other friends!


Texasholly said...

OMG! I am SIXTH! That is hysterical. Thanks SO Much for the award. I really appreciate you thinking of me.

Cheffie-Mom said...

Thank you so much Courtney!! Hugs!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Hi Courtney, I think you have a very good blog, I didn't follow the rules, I got too tired to pass it on. I do not know that much about computers, but Tawana's site has the picture.
Thanks for your comments, I do like to laugh.

I do not sign my name out of laziness, Kim

Unknown said...

I definitely agree...

I need advice..what would you do in my shoes?? Check out my blog?

Andrea said...

Aww, thanks Courtney! You're a great blogging friend!

Shana W. said...

Thank-You! Now to get to posting!!! Just joking! :o)

Unknown said...

Thinking of you.....