Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 28, 2009

9 years ago today... were born and I remember it like it was yesterday. You were the one to make me an aunt and what a joy you were and still are. I was coming home from my first day of my sophomore year of college and grandma told me to eat quickly because your mom had been at the hospital since 9 a.m. in labor with you. I couldn't wait to get there and be with her and finally meet you. I was so excited to be getting a nephew.
You have been my buddy and my friend, my nephew and an all around wonderful kid. You are the most caring, good hearted child I know and am so proud of the little man you have become. You are goofy and smart. You have made me laugh so hard liquid came out my nose. You love your sister and every one of your little cousins (although you were praying for a boy every time and still haven't gotten it.) You are every one of the girls' big brother and you protect them, help them and care about them so much and it makes my heart smile every time I see you doing one of those things.
You are nine today and still full of hugs, smiles and "I love yous" because, unlike other kids your age, you know you are cool and can still show affection. I hope you have the best birthday ever little man, you deserve it. We have a bond that is indescribable and unbreakable and I hope you know it too. I love you CJ and wish only the best for you in the next year and throughout your entire life. You are one of a kind kiddo!


Jennie said...

Happy Birthday, CJ. Your aunt sure loves you tons!

Cheffie-Mom said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, CJ!!