Sunday started with going to church. Ashley and J joined us and it was a nice service. After church J had to head back to her cousins house and Ashley had a few things she needed to get done. I went and got some stuff for an oil change on my car and when I got back we did a whole lot of nothing. Callee was still napping, she napped for 3 hours and Mike was just watching sportscenter. We lounged around until 7:00, but the whole time I kept begging Mike to figure out what he wanted to do. I didn't want to waste a whole day doing nothing, but I have to admit it was nice laying around too.
At 7:00 we decided not to go to the fair with his friend Mark and instead go out to the campgrounds to give Taylor and Casia a shower and grab some dinner. Ashley went home before we left so Mike, Callee and I made the trip together. We didn't get home until after 10, but it was worth it.
Monday morning we got up and got our showers because we had made plans to meet Mark and his girlfriend for breakfast. Mark is one of Mike's oldest friends who lives about 2 1/2 hours away from us so we try to get together with him whenever he comes home. Mark, Mike and Jake were all pretty inseparable through high school and Jake has a daughter just a few months younger than Taylor and we rarely get to see them (no excuse because he lives about 7 miles from us!) We met up with not only Mark and his girlfriend, but also Jake and his daughter and Marks mom who now lives in Arizona and was like a second mom to Mike growing up. Breakfast was enjoyable with non-stop laughing; the three of them together are a riot! It was really good seeing them all and Jake and Mike promised to keep in touch better and have the girls play together occasionally.
When we got home, I notice there was a puppy in our yard. It was a cute puppy just rolling around playing and then a little girl, no older than Callee, came from behind the bush in our front yard. There were no adults around and I had never seen the puppy or the little girl before. I tried to figure out where she lived, but she couldn't talk so the neighbor across the street was out so I asked her if she saw where they came from and she hadn't. We spoke to the girl for a few minutes in the middle of my front yard where anyone could see us and come retrieve their child and nobody did so I called the police. This little girl had down syndrome, no way of communicating with me and I had no idea a) where she had come from or b) how long she had been there. As I was hanging up with the police a teenage (15-ish) boy came down and got the little girl and apologized. He said he thought she was out back playing with the dog. When they got back up to the house the mother came out with 5 other children (ages approximately 7 and under) screaming and ranting and cussing at these kids. I walked up to see the house number so I could tell the cops where to go when they got there, because at this point I was afraid for that little girl. I don't know what ever happened, but I do know that the cop went up and talked to the mom.
We went to a picnic/birthday party after I dried Taylor's hair. It was for my cousins daughter who is turning 5 today, so Happy Birthday Riley! The girls had fun and Mike and I got to play a game of cornhole and we won so I was happy. It was a good weekend overall! Here are some pictures from the picnic:
Taylor trying to figure out the pogo stick:

Callee on the swing:

Taylor being rotten:

Callee lounging on the swing:
sounds like you had a fun weekend.. how scary about the little girl.. and then to have a crazy yelling mother come out yelling at the kids.. UGH..
Sounds like more fun for you all.
I'm picking my mouth up off my desk about the little girl. OMG! So thankful you found her not some crazy guy.
Exciting weekend! Thank God you were there for that little girl. Glad it had a good outcome.
What a scary and SAD story about the little girl. On a more uplifting note- the pictures adorable. I love Callee's hair- just precious!
You absolutely did the right thing for the little girl. I hope the cop had a long talk with the mom!
Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend. I hope you'll have a chance to check on that little girl again.
Sounds like a great weekend...cute pictures of your girls too! :)
Just popping in to say HI! Things have been pretty busy around here since school has started. :o)
Scary story about that little girl. And, Little Billy is very good on the pogo stick!
Have a good weekend - Kellan
I hope the little girl is OK. How sad.
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