Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 5, 2007

Back to single motherhood!

The weekend has come and gone. I enjoyed every second of it, but it flew by as always. I thought the extra hour from the time change would have helped slow things down, however, it didn't. During the week, I go back to being a single mother for five days. My husband goes back to being a single father and our relationship, once again, gets put on hold. This is the routine I have come to know and grow tired of.

The weekend was wonderful. We got up on Saturday and I took Taylor to dance, and Callee came along. We got to watch Taylor do her routine for the recital and it was so cute. I can hardly wait until the recital that is in June, so I guess I better put on those brakes, huh? After dance, we dropped Callee off at home for a nap and headed out to get a birthday present for one of my cousins, get some lunch and then go grocery shopping. I love spending one on one time with my kids. It really gives me an opportunity to appreciate everything about their personalities without the other child competing for the attention. Taylor and I really enjoyed our time together on Saturday. I had to drop a check off for my sister at my parent's house and Taylor wanted to stay there since she was going there in an hour anyways. I let her and headed home to get Callee ready to go after her nap.

We dropped Callee and the present off at the birthday party and as we were leaving, I realized I misplaced my keys. I know when you are pregnant and have kids you tend to lose some of your memory, but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing when you are in a houseful of people, all ready late to check out the TSO and where are your keys? Mike headed outside to see if I left them in the car while my aunts helped me look inside. We were looking in the gift bag, the diaper bag, on the table, counters, in shoes and jackets and they were no where to be found. Mike came in and said, the doors are locked but I don't see them in there. He then informed my aunt, whose house we were at, that the neighbor was outside throwing a fit about where we had parked and another one of my aunt's had parked. We all headed outside to look through the grass and my aunt was trying to clear up the misunderstanding with her (drunk) neighbor. I went in the house and thank goodness one of my cousins husband's had found my keys, bless that man. We were all ready late!

My uncle who is a retired cop had to go outside and calm the fight down between my aunt and her neighbor, that is how heated it got. We left before it escalated. While on our way to the orchestra, Mike told me it was over parking and the guy was yelling at him and said he was a disrespectful kid for parking where he did, even though it wasn't his yard! Whatever! He called my aunt a bitch and said to "F" her! Can we say maybe just maybe he is not a pleasant drunk?

We finally made it to concert about 20 minutes late due to traffic. The concert was good, but it's like when you hear a bunch of hype about a movie and then when you finally see it you think, that's it? It was good, but I kind of expected more. The major problem with the concert is now I'm ready for Christmas and it is only November 5! All that Christmas music really set the tone for the Christmas season. I can't wait!

Sunday was a lazy day and I pretty much did nothing. We got up and went to church and I made dinner and did a couple loads of laundry. Nothing else got cleaned and nothing exciting was done. I can now look forward to next weekend. I'm not sure what is going on, but I seem to be wishing my life away one week at a time. Until our arrangement changes I will continue doing that. Anything exciting for anyone else this weekend?


Amy Plumb said...

If you don't mind me asking, why do you call yourself a single mom?

Sounds like you needed a lazy Sunday. Don't we all sometimes

KC said...

sounds like a fun relaxing weekend.
Crazy man.. that neighbor of your aunts..

Kathy said...

After that crazy Sat. at least you got your day of rest! And did you say in the post that you are pregnant? Yeehaw, that is cool.

Courtney said...

For anybody who interpretted that post as I am pregnant, sorry...I'm not, I just meant you lose your memory with every pregnancy and unfortunately, I never got mine back!

Kellan said...

I used to say that all the time when I worked, "wishing my life away" - and ... I never got my mind back either. Have a good day. See ya.

Mimi's Toes said...

You have an adorable family...Glad you added me as a link...

Laura said...

Hehehe..I found myself wondering if you were expecting as well. I do find myself wishing for time to speed up and wanting to hold it back as well. I hope the week goes smoothly for you.

Casey said...

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog today. I, too, am a "single mom" inside the confines of a's hard, that's for sure. My partner works all day and goes to school all evening and studies most of the weekend. It's tough going, no doubt about it. Sounds like your weekend/family time is as crazy busy as ours. :)