Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Warning: Lots of complaining ahead. If you don't want to hear it, don't read beyond here.

Okay you made it. Let's begin. Work stinks. I am so tired of the crap that I can't go into a lot of detail because a co-worker of mine reads this blog and there are only 3 of us so anything could (and I'm sure would) be said. This seems to happen every couple of months and then go back to evening out and every thing's fine for a few more months. I can stick this wave of ups and downs out until Mike is done with school and I see what type of income he has then. After that, I may stay here or I may start looking for something else, maybe something part time. I'm just venting here and this is my blog so it's my prerogative.

Last night I didn't get home until 7:00 from picking the girls up and going to the store. They are usually in bed by 7:30, but obviously that didn't happen last night. I stopped at Burger King on the way home and that is the nutritious dinner my kids had last night. Uhhhh...I am so tired of the running all the time and feeding my kids the crap I do. I just need to remember that this too shall pass.

On to another venting session. Taylor was up from 1:30 - 3:45 coughing. I gave her some more benedryl because I know that it is just drainage and yet she can't seem to shake it. I feel bad for her because the coughing keeps her up half the night and she is dragging in the mornings, but daycare says she barely coughs at nap time and only occasionally throughout the day. She rarely coughs at home until about 9:30 at night. I always give her benedryl to help her, but like clock work at 9:30 she is up hacking. If she isn't better by the 16th (8 days), she has her 4 year check up and I think I'll ask for some sort of allergy medicine and see if that helps.

Thanks for listening and I hope every one's Tuesday goes well!


Melissa said...

oh I hope that your little girl starts to feel better. It is always hard to see them when you know something is wrong.

KC said...

You have got to be tired waking up with her every night.
I would try giving her the benedryl before you put her to bed at night and see if that keeps the cough from coming at 9:30
Another option.. Mr Man has been on allergy meds since he was 4 years old so about 4 years now.. a few months ago the perscription he was on changed for an Rx to an over the counter.. It is zertec and it works wonders.. you can get it at most drug stores now and I know walmart carries it also.. They make it for both adults and children..It's in with the children benedryl and stuff at walmart.. that might help her also.
I had Little Man into the doctors lastnight when his fever hit 104.. its just a virus so we just have to treat the fever and try to keep it down..

Texasholly said...

So sorry, sending hugs. At least your blog looks GREAT!

Janice {Run Far} said...

Oh man life just plain sucks sometimes- Morgie is coughing too- and at night it gets so bad that I think she is going to throw up. Errrrrr

Courtney said...

Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm sure she'll be fine soon; at least I hope.

Lol hrh, but it is very true!

Kellan said...

You are not the only one feeding your kids this "crap" - there is sometimes just not enough hours in the day. I'm sorry you had a rough day - take care - Kellan

Kathy said...

Hope your day improves! Hope you both get some sleep tonight.

Mandy said...

Well, I was probably up with you at that same time last night b/c Eli still doesn't sleep through the night yet (he's 4 months) AND he has a cough, so he REALLY can't sleep right now...ugh.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you have ever heard of this, but it would be worth trying at least. :)

At bedtime, rub some Vicks Vapo-rub on the bottom of her feet and put socks on for the night. I have heard from several reliable sources that this really helps that pesky nighttime cough.

Good luck! I know how hard this is - have three little girls of my own. My oldest is five, and I am just now getting to sleep through the night more often than not. At least until July when our son in due. :)

Jess T said...

Hang in there. Things will improve immensely when your babe is feeling better. I think that is a good idea (4 yr apt).

Amy Plumb said...

I hope things get better at work for you and I know how hard it is trying to work and do healthy dinners.

I would check with a doctor about the allergy thing, my son has allergies and at night before bed they prescribed an allergry pill for that same reason.

Be blessed,

Kellan said...

Hi Courtney - Hope you are having a good day. SEe you soon - Kellan

Unknown said...

Vent away my dear! I've been there, done that with my job! I am so happy to have a job I really like now and I wish the same for you once Mike is done with school! Hang in there and if you need someone to vent to, email me!

Sorry to hear Taylor is still coughing. Have you tried Vicks Vapor rub? That stopped Busy Boy from coughing. It's worth a shot!

Angela said...

Hope both you and your girls get feeling better

Laura said...

I hope she's better. And that things are looking up for you.

Stephanie said...

I've heard the vicks thing works too. My allergies are worse than they've ever been. I bought a Neti Pot to help clean out my sinuses, but it might be too difficult for children.

As far as feeding the kids crap, unfortunately many of us do it too. I try to go places where Madi can get fruit instead of fries so at least she gets some nutritional value.

Finally. Work & Drama go hand in hand!

Hope things get better, but feel free to vent until then!