Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 26, 2007

Is it Monday all ready?

Seriously, I can't believe it is Monday all ready. I feel like I have had a four day weekend, but I'm just not ready to be back at work. Maybe I'm lazy or maybe I really do hate being away from my kids, but whatever it is, I'm not ready to be back at work. It was such a great weekend with my family. My kids were pretty good, which was a little shocking, Mike and I had an evening out and my mom kept the kids over night! It was really nice although Callee won't be staying over there again for a while.

She is a child that thrives off of routine. She goes to bed within the same half an hour every night, sleeps in her own bed with her lullabies on, and is out for the remainder of the night. I forgot the lullaby tape, she didn't sleep in her own bed, although she did sleep in the crib that is at my mom's, and she went to bed a little later than normal. All of this made for one crabby little baby on Sunday. She barely napped, she screamed and sobbed for about an hour, and was pretty much just a cranky butt for a couple of hours. Then, it was like a switch flipped and all of a sudden, she's happy again! I don't think she was ready for a sleep over.

Nothing really exciting happened this weekend, unless you want to hear about teeth! Callee got 2 of her 1 year molars and two of her front bottom teeth, bringing the grand total to 10. She is starting to get her other 2 one year molars so hopefully that will be soon so the fussiness will cease or at least calm down for a while. Enough with the boring post. Maybe something exciting will happen tonight, but not in a bad way.


Anonymous said...

, but my mom and I don't care we know we're better anyway. We played Scene It Friends edition, they got lucky! A better post on Monday! - those are fighting words WE CAME FROM BEHIND!!

Kellan said...

Sorry you had to go back to work. Alexis lost a tooth yesterday and got $3.00 from the Tooth Fairy - you just wait! Hope you have a good week. See you soon. Kellan